Filming in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Filming in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

As the biggest city in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh city is among top filming locations in Vietnam. Though doesn’t have lots of lakes like in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city has its own attractions and stories.

Film crews, journalists, production companies from abroad have been coming to and reporting about various aspects in Ho Chi Minh city, such as: economy/business, food, culture, people, history/war time, …

Lists of places that being interest for tourism and filming:

Notre Dame cathedral was built by French colonists. Currently it has been going under renovation for several years, and this process would take much longer. It’s very hard to ask for filming permission inside the Cathedral, they’re almost non-accessible by phone. However, you can try to contact them via Vietnam Board of bishop.

Ho Chi Minh city/Saigon central post office is just next to Notre Dame cathedral and also is an iconic place. Besides being a post office, it also has different stores selling Vietnamese products to tourists.

The Independence Palace was the Presidential palace of Southern Vietnamese government during the war time.

Markets such as Ben Thanh market, Binh Tay market and Ba Chieu market

filming in ho chi minh city vietnam
Filming Ton Duc Thang street, nearby Majestic hotel
filming in ho chi minh city vietnam
Filming Saigon river from M Bar
filming in ho chi minh city vietnam
Filming a street in Ho Chi Minh city with old architecture houses
filming in ho chi minh city vietnam
Fillming at Ho Chi Minh city post office
filming in ho chi minh city vietnam
Filming at the War Museum

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