Fixers Of The World – online meeting

3rd online meeting

At 10pm Vietnam time (15:00 UTC) May 9th, 2020, Vietnam Filming Fixer had joined the 3rd online meeting with the group Fixers Of The World (via zoom)

I. Attendants

There were total of 14 attendants:

Benjamin Jacob & Ivy Manohara at Filmapia, India. Website:

Kofi Atakora Afriyie in Ghana.

Niclas Peyron in Sweden. Website:

Philippa Day at Sindbad Production in Tunisia. Website:

Carole Prentice in UAE and South Africa.

Clemente Sanchez in Mexico. Website:

Richard Carter at Cinevision Production Service Germany. Website:

George Arif at Spin Productions, Indonesia. Website:

Macarena Gagliardi at Fixer-Argentina. Website:

Mert Gurel at Fixer in Turkey. Website:

Khuyen Tuong at Vietnam Filming Fixer. Website:

Guill Ramos from the Philippines

Aye Sooksomchitra from Thailand

Elie Petit from France. Website:

fixer of the world 3rd online meeting

II. Contents:

II.1. Macarena and George shared about their profile and experiences.

Below are brief of what they shared.


Macarena Gagliardi at Fixer-Argentina ( has been working in film business for 18 years. Her husband is also her business partner.

The biggest difference between their services with their competitors is they’re more personal. They’re being more present and committed in the projects they do. For example, they respond quick and be careful in planning. Even in high season which they have more than one project per time, they still treat each project with care.


George Arif at Spin Productions, Indonesia ( has been working in film business for 21 years. His company has 60-70% Clients are local and 30 – 40% are from abroad.

Indonesia is a big country with lots of islands which make travelling difficult. Sometimes travelling abroad is even cheaper than travelling to another part of the country. Thus, their company has people at different parts of the country to work with international crew when they come. Indonesia has at least 2 layers of permits, which the main permit can only arranged/obtained in Jakarta, where the most important authorities stay.

fixer indonesia

II. 2: Mert shared about SEO technic for websites

Mert Gurel is Fixer in Turkey (

Mert built different websites for his local Clients and international Clients. He had shared with us about SEO technic for websites for fixers very systematically.

First, Google occupies 91.98% market share in 2020 for search engine market. 2nd, there are 200+ SEO ranking factors but there are 3 factors matter the most: keyword matching, time on site and backlinks.

Mert also shared with us some SEO technic specific for our industry.

We’re very grateful for Mert’s sharing and the knowledge is invaluable.


3rd online meeting

At 10pm Vietnam time (15:00 UTC) Apr 29th, 2020, Vietnam Filming Fixer had joined the 3rd online meeting with the group Fixers Of The World (via zoom)

I. Attendants:

There were 11 attendants:

Benjamin Jacob & Ivy Manohara at Filmapia, India. Website:

Kofi Atakora Afriyie in Ghana.

Niclas Peyron in Sweden. Website:

Philippa Day at Sindbad Production in Tunisia. Website:

Carole Prentice in UAE and South Africa.

Clemente Sanchez in Mexico. Website:

Richard Carter at Cinevision Production Service Germany. Website:

George Arif at Spin Productions, Indonesia. Website:

Macarena Gagliardi at Fixer-Argentina. Website:

Mert Gurel at Fixer in Turkey. Website:

Khuyen Tuong at Vietnam Filming Fixer. Website:

II. Discussions:

  1. We discussed about how is it going with Covid situation at some countries, how everyone is coping with it.
  2. We shared about some unexpected situations in filming. For example, a production company let fixer do all the preparation (include acquiring permit) and didn’t avail fixer’s service or pay the fixer for preparation afterwards.
  3. Niclas Peyron shared briefly about his 35 years experience in the industry.
  4. We shared our ideas of the purpose of the group or our expectations about the group.
    In which, we mentioned:
  • We don’t need to grow the group so big, we focus on the quality of the group rather than quantity of members. For now we see that it may be the best to have one fixer per country to join only, except those who already joined the 1st online meeting.
  • This group is for freelance fixers or fixer companies only, not for producers/Clients to join, though we sometimes can invite a producer/Client to join and share with us what they need, what they’re looking for, so we can learn from them.
  • This group is for fixers to share, to learn and to help each other in their work. It could be sharing experiences, connections, opportunities. It could be helping each other to build websites, profiles … It could be warning each other about a production company who didn’t pay as promised, or made troubles for fixer.
Fixers Of The World - 2nd online meeting
Fixers Of The World – 2nd online meeting

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